Friday 21 June 2013

It is completed

I'm writing this blogpost from my iPad because Acer is legitimate shit.

How long has it been since I wrote a blogpost? I am not checking the date, too bad.

This Tuesday, I graduated grade 11. While I finished on Tuesday, some of my fellow comrades didn't fair so well. They had two extra days of hardships and I laughed at them. Sorry, not sorry guys :(

So remember how I used to write stuff that was related to nothing but something? Well I'm back to that cuz it's actually fantastically fun.

I'm sure everyone is familiar with the idea of time travel, right? The most common idea is that if someone changes something in the past when going to the past, they change the future, the Butterfly Effect, sort of. But if history is something already pre-determined, wouldn't history have technically foretold the coming of the person from the future? And wouldn't the future already be molded by the arrival of the person in the past? Also, if one believes in the idea of fate being written out already, wouldn't that also neglect the idea of anything changing their fate, even though some futuristic person comes from the future? The past of the person has already been written, as they believed. The arrival of the futuristic person would also have been written in their future, which makes anything they claim to change be wrong and unfruitful?

In parallel to Nietzsche's Eternal Return, the infinity of time means that every moment can be recurring, over and over again. Everything that happens can happen again because the assembling of particles will create the same outcome as this very moment. With the idea of time travel, the hopping of dimensions would also be recreated over and over again, which means every outcome of being, whether changed or unchanged would recur over and over again. The changing of future would merely be an alternate of one that has or could happen again because of time being infinite. 

I make no sense myself. Heh. This concludes this weeks thing. Sunday might have more pictures because this one didn't have any pictures. MIGHT. 

Wednesday 22 May 2013


Whoops, haven't blogged on this thing in how long...? Hehaw, you know? I didn't keep track.

Recently joined imgur and my goodness, probably one of the most addicting sites out there. It's like a collection of satire and sarcasm, two of the Ss that I adore. Speaking of satire, Orwell. Hilarious man who wrote a hilarious book. 1984 was a good read. I laughed way more than I should have but seriously, that book had some funny stuff.

Whee, this blog post probably won't be that long, actually this is the end of it, almost. Summative season, yaknow and yeah, that's about it.


"Searching for your phone in blankets"

I love this site.

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Welp, whoops.

I recently got a free app which is not so free for my iPad... it's called Paper by Fiftythree and it starts out with a free brush but all the other brushes and pens were too damn enticing so I bought them all... Please don't judge me. I know, I am a piece of shit.

WELP, this week, or day, or uhh, whatever, will feature some of my recent artworks on this app. I actually love this app, I think I am addicted. Someone stop my artist-ness (pronounced "art-ee-st"). *sigh*


I think I'm gonna call this collection "Null", so it'll be "Collection Null" cuz it sounds cool. Don't hate on me. 

Sunday 14 April 2013



I feel like this one is sort of a cheatskies post, cuz I've already presented this elsewhere and stuff, but too bad, my writing space, my rules.


*A­cting all innocent*

Uhm, miss, yesterday, I was really busy and I couldn't finish my WIT essay because I didn't have enough ti-*crazy noise*

WHOA WHOA WHOA whoa whoa...

Did I just hear what I just heard? Yeah, hello, little angel guy on the shoulder here speaking
What was that bullshit you just hit your teacher with?
Didn't have enough time? Didn't have enough time? Didn't have enough TIME?! My goodness, the ridiculousness of that statement 
So you're telling me, yesterday, while you spent the hours perusing videos of crazy cat, in hats doing satirical acts, saying "That was tight", not once did you exit that YouTube website, you filthy LIAR.

Honestly man, I thought better of you. But you're just like the others, stuck in a procrastinator's loop, shackled in these chains of time wasting constrains, while you frantically search for the remains of your own sanity. You say, "I'll do it later," but you and I both know that later's a never. Every minute you consume from the time you procrastinate, is one minute crumbling away. In the moment, it's all cool, but eventually the thrill of the activity dies down, it's 1 A.M and you feel like a fool. Having not touched anything but that track pad tool, clicking through useless link after link, you've wilted away yet another day, trying to formulate your own tilted mindset. It's getting pretty difficult, I bet.

And with this, you have the audacity to announce that you didn't have enough time, when the teacher provided you with ample amounts of it with the hours spent in class, accounting for the weeks already wasted away behind your auspicious desires and that computer screen, with its alphanumeric display.
Procrastination doesn't seem all that bad right? It's alright; I'm having fun right now so I'll be bright? But it's like a traitor, binding to your mind, an idea of self worth and power, that time is on your side and you control every hour. Then it lets you down, punches you in the face, and turns you around, to the reality of it all, a world where you'll chip away at your own mind, until you've reached a point in time, when there's nothing left to chip away at.

Brotha, I'm just trying to help out here, because you and I, we're in this together, ya know? So listen carefully. I've got a secret tip for you. Next time you're saying, "Oh, just one more YouTube video, no biggie," remember that one video clip can turn into 2, 10 or 50. The time you put to waste, could have been time used well by a doctor or scientist, to make haste with putting some goodness back into the world we deem a terrible place. Now go forth, BE that doctor, BE that scientist to be an activist, not for what you've done, but what you can become, if you step away from procrastinations thievery and into further productivity.  

Slam poem, gr. 11. This shows my rap writing skills. Someone sign me. 

What the hey...

I realized I haven't written in this thing for a while. Why am I starting again? Don't ask, don't tell.

I feel like today will be the double post day. I mean, I say that every week but today, I actually have things to write about. WHAAAT NOOOOOOO!? It's true. Hold your horses amigos, writing's writing. 

I recently enrolled in a war. Now, to fight in a war, you've gotta choose a side, right? I had to debate between joining the Legion or joining the Stormcloak. At first glance, those two are sexy ass names, no lie. But I thought the Legion was a cooler name, cuz it's all epic and whatnot. But I'm usually one for the underdog so BAM, Stormcloak it was for me, and they're for like revolution and all the jazz, so I like revolutions. Stormcloaks it was. 

If you haven't figured out by now, I'm talking 'bout a game, not an actual war, you silly goose. I've also recently figured out that you can gain an innumerable amount of ANYTHING in this massive game called Skyrim. Press "`" key on the keyboard and it brings up console commands. Type in "tgm", turns on god mode. Type in "tcl", turns off collision (which basically means you can go through anything). Type in "psb", you gain all the spells shouts and whatever else you want/need. 

I've basically built the ultimate character that shoots exploding fireballs and also flames, FROM HIS BARE HANDS. 

Now you might be saying I'm a cheater, but shut up. I am a cheater. Deal with it. Thug lyfe, uh, no rules, rebel, living in the hood, representing the minority, what? Minority, hood? Okay... 

I think I'm winning in this war... I empty a full camp of enemy soldiers in like 30 seconds. Don't know if that's good or bad, but I think that's a good thing, well, from my perspective. 

Also I'm writing this post in sadness. The person who made me sad will know why I'm sad. Ask them. 

Damn, I'm so boring. I've actually got nothing to write. I see all these other people with their long ass blog posts and I'm just herpderping here with like two lines. Oh well, I compensate for it by providing you all with a beautiful Paint picture, right? RIGHT?!

Says the electron ironically, as the Bromide is being ionized by Chlorine. 

Did I just post a chemistry comic? Someone come and sock me in the jaw. I deserve it. 

Nincompoop. That's my word of the day. I'm bringing it back, whaddup. So, nincompoop. 

Saturday 30 March 2013


*Short Story*
    Drifting through space, in an endless whirl of craters, he sees no end to the destruction that he has caused. In particular, the Earth sized hole he had left there was truly a sight to behold. Ignoring the sheer monstrosity of his actions, it was still impressive to see such smallness creating something of such grandeur. To think that there was once such beauty in this dark and empty space was an auspicious desire.

    He ultimately lost what he was trying to find. A speck of hope, so far gone that it seems to have escaped into a black hole, nowhere to be seen, impossible to find, impossible to recover. The emptiness of space led a chill down his spine, connecting his soul to the outside world. The whirling of the craters around him was enough to make any man go insane from the cacophonous noises. Without a doubt, he thought, this was the greatest.

    Having no way of returning, he had to make the best of what he had. Nothing within his possession, no one to call out to. He only had the craters, the emptiness and the space dust by his side, cradling him like a baseball, thrown 100 km/h into an old catcher's glove. It was like the feeling of a nice cozy winter night, snuggled into bed with a heavy blanket wrapped around your entire body. As chilling as it was, the space dust wrapped him up nicely, providing him a sense of warmth and what he could remember as home. However, its cloudiness was a challenge. Making a mask of dust around his body, he could  not even make out the next piece of anything that was about to approach him. It smothered him in its darkness, like the depth of the ocean, where not even the smallest photon of light can creep through. As comfortable as the blanket of dust was, it was nevertheless, a cloud of mystery that made him frightened for what was ahead of him.

    He often dreamed of what was coming, the land flowing with milk and honey, the clear skies, the atmosphere in which he can intake all of its energy. It was like a clock in his mind, where time passed quickly because of all the joyous thoughts rumbling around in his head. He didn't like that time passed more quickly. He had a tendency to be perfectly in tune with time, as his heart rate was at a constant 60 beats per minute, not changing through the most rigorous of activities nor the coldest of times. Since the very beginning, he had thought this phenomenon peculiar. There was really nothing he could do about it. He was stuck with this peculiarity.

    Drifting farther, a beautiful thought popped into his head, of Billy Mason, his elementary school friend. If it wasn't for Billy Mason pushing him on the swings until he flew, he wouldn't be where he was right now.

    His eyes passed a great celestial body. From far, it was the length of his finger. But he knew, deep in his mind, the size of the celestial body was infinitely larger than anything he could ever imagine. He knew the space he was travelling in was extending infinitely, in a loop, where time dissipates. At that thought, a smile came to his face. The thought of being able to extend infinitely was something no one else could ever experience. It was his very first feeling of being unique.

    Hopelessly wondering, he wanted to know what had happened to his cat. One day, he was fine, and the next day, the cat was gone, only leaving a furball and some hair behind. He was eager to find out objective truth to bring enlightenment. He wanted to know why he couldn't win at that time. Ah, at that time, so memorable, so fresh, so exciting. It was the first time he almost won at anything. He was so sure that his opponents were no match for him, seconds before it was over, he was already cheering for himself. But, the final call was that he didn't win. Even more, he came in last. He didn't win, nor did he get in second place, not even third. Dead last. This haunted him for so long, he found it excitable to think of it, like a ghost story that's told at a campfire, only so many souls can withstand it. He could. He knew he could.

    How could I even think? He asked that of himself every single day. He didn't know what was happening, he didn't register what was going on, he doesn't know anything. He wonders about, aimlessly.

A/N: What the ballsacks just happened there? I don't even know. Please, it would make my life if someone needlessly over-analyzed this and then produced a piece of writing about it. I would love you for life <3. 

No blog post is ever complete without a picture, ever.

Double A/N: For readers (not that there are any), this is to compensate for last weeks missings. It is currently Saturday. I will see you all again Sunday and Sunday will be much different from today, not only because it is a full 24 hours ahead, but because the blog post will be completely different. You could think of this as a sweet treat for all your needs. I wouldn't, but you could...

Sunday 17 March 2013

I have found a purpose

I have found a purpose for this blog

Photo completely unrelated

Starting from today, I have become one with a close knit community of intellectuals. No, not philosophers or physicists, but... wait for it...

MUSIC TEACHERS. More specifically, a piano teacher... Does that make me an old middle-aged woman? Maybe a little bit, but bad stereotype. Thug lyfe, manly man myself will break the stereotype of middle-aged woman piano teachers with my manly youth (DAMN that was one weird ass sentence to write. Please stahp the judgin'). 

I will dedicate this blog to chronicle the construction of my little protegĂ© who will probably become the next Lang Lang, not to boast or anything, but I believe in him. For starters, he speaks little English and mostly speaks Mandarin. Next, he's a FOB, so basically he's already like 9/17 the way there, according to my math. First day of lessons was pretty not duh gud one... I was probably more nervous than the kid (although in my defense, his father was sitting there, soooo it's okay). When I say I'm a bad teacher, I, without a doubt, guarantee you I am a terrible teacher. I basically redid random things over and over again and I don't even think I thought anything... IT'S OKAY THOUGH, I gaht dis. The second lesson is next week, next Sunday, to be precise. So I will take this week and conjure up my teaching skills (I'll probably just google how to teach piano and ask some experienced friends... Thug lyfe doe). 

Photo IS related. I TRICKED YOU, AHAHAHA. 

Stallion Timmy under prescription drugs up there, STUPID for short, is wide-eyed at one idea. IF, and only if the Universe is flat, if we hypothetically "zoom" out far enough, will we just see a line, like so: "___"? If it's just a line, then what fills up the space around it? Will it be other Universes (Universi? Universees? I don't care, my blog, my plurals)? What if, hypothetically speaking, there were other flat universes that fill up a sheet of hypothetically "zoomed-out" space? Would it be called a Mega-Universe? And by now, the next question of, what if we hypothetically "zoom" out even farther, comes up. Would the Mega-Universe just be another flat line, and so many other Mega-Universes fill up a sheet to give us a Giga-Universe? Would this continue till truly infinity? 

STUPID over here, shat his pants, no... uhh tail over this idea, silly STUPID.